Silver Couple, Clothes Collection and Confirmation Day

Silver Couple

Warmest congratulations and good wishes to Shay and Edel Searson, Gortaclode who recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Edel also celebrated her 50th birthday this month so there are plenty of reasons to celebrate. Celebrations are very different during these times but I know that the Searsons won’t leave that stop them and they will have their own special celebrations at home with their children Amber and Scott and of course not forgetting their dogs Poppy and Bailey. We wish this happy couple the very best of happiness and many more years of wedded bliss to come.


Clothes Collection

Our local soccer club will host a charity clothes collection this week at their grounds in Ballyduff. I’m sure with people refined to their homes there has been many a wardrobe and hot press cleaned out and that there are a few bags of clothes waiting to be disposed of when places open again. You can now get rid of the clutter while supporting charity by dropping them to Ballyduff Soccer club on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday of this week between the hours of 12 noon to 6pm. The dressing rooms will be open for you to drop off your bags and we would ask that you would adhere to HSE guidelines for Covid 19 and please observe social distancing.

Recent Death
We are saddened to hear of the death of Joe Burke, Carrick Beg. Joe was a former resident of Coolagadden, Kilmeaden and is predeceased by his wife Maureen Burke(nee O Keeffe). We extend

our deepest sympathy to his children, grandchildren and extended family and we remember them all in our thoughts and our prayers. Ar Dheis De Go Raibh Se.


Local Entrepreneur

It was wonderful during the week to read about local entrepreneur Fionn Barron of Kildermody. Fionn is one of the co founders of Irish technology firm Tracworx. The firm has developed a Wifi patient tracking system to help hospitals in their bid to tackle Covid 19. The tracking system uses existing wifi networks in hospitals allowing healthcare facilities to automate their data collection and generate reports using real time and date. The Limerick based company have been quick to repurpose their technology to meet the immediate challenges mounted by the Covid 19 pandemic. This version of their product helps with social distancing and tracing back where contacts have been indoors. It gives complete transparency to hospitals as to where their patients have been which can directly support this contact tracing effort. Tracworx was established in 2016 by college students Chris Kelly, Eoin O Brien and Kilmeadens own Fionn Barron. The company use all Irish based suppliers. They have extended their operations into the UK and have plans to expand further into the European market. It is wonderful to see such initiative and vision in a young company and we wish them the very best of success in the future.


Confirmation Day

We send warm wishes to all the young ladies and gentlemen from 5th and 6th classes in Ballyduff N.S who were due to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday May 27th in Ballyduff church. Although they are disappointed their special day will come eventually and I know that it will be celebrated in style. Until then we will continue to remember them in our prayers and I am sure that their families will mark this Wednesday in a special way.